
Today is 20 G, 2022 in Ornellember time format.


Where (do I live/am I from)?

I currently live in Amsterdam. I am Burkinabè, French, and American, and I have lived in a few different places, including New York and Madrid.

What (do I do)?

I currently work as a full-stack software engineer at Disney Streaming, on the Disney+/Star+ Web team. I consistently dedicate time to helping others in the context of tech, through volunteering, mentoring and open coffee chats. I also draw and do DIY around the house.

How (should you refer to me)?

I, for the most part, identify as a woman. For pronouns, you can use she or they.

Who (let the dogs out)?

I have a dog named Pixel, who goes by Pixie, and usually alternates between being scared and silly.