
Today is 18 C, 2025 in Ornellember time format.


All my writings in one place, about tech, life updates, etc.

Digital Migration

Digital Migration

moving away from Twitter, and the famous next steps for my presence on the internet (kinda)

Scheme E: “Crushable Work Goals”

Scheme E: “Crushable Work Goals”

For this month, I discuss how I go about setting (and crushing) goals.

Scheme D: “Multi-threaded Tidying”

Scheme D: “Multi-threaded Tidying”

My technique for keeping a tidy home.

Scheme A: “No Solutions”

Scheme A: “No Solutions”

I'm a schemer, so I'm making a series about my schemes. Here's No Solutions, which I used when something bad happened to me and I was raising the alarm about it.

Scheme C: "Priorities"

Scheme C: "Priorities"

For Month C, I am discussing my simple priority system.

Scheme B: “First Week Social”

Scheme B: “First Week Social”

For the month of B, I explore another strategy: first week social.

Comprehensive advice to get your first job

Comprehensive advice to get your first job

After you complete college, bootcamp, or self-training, it can be really hard to try to get your first junior role in tech. In the last 2 years, I’ve talked to so many friends and family about this very challenging process, and recently thought I should share this with a larger audience. I’m no expert, yadayada, but these tips were really helpful for me, so I decided to put together a comprehensive guide to job searching. Also, I know this post is massive, I plan to treat it like software and keep iterating/breaking stuff out as needed. So if you see something change, mind ya business.

Money Recap and Lessons Learned in 2020

Money Recap and Lessons Learned in 2020

I've learned most of what I know about money on the internet. It's only right that I give back a little. Here are the decisions (good and bad) I made with my first big-money salary in 2020.

Feature in Business Insider: Resistance Map

Feature in Business Insider: Resistance Map

In July 2020, I coded a simple web app in 48 hours, populated by data researched by 2 of my best friends. This web app was a map to direct visitors to bail funds and other resources supporting racial justice in their areas. A journalist at Business Insider wrote an article about the map.

Journeys in Accessibility: an interview for Society x Tech

Journeys in Accessibility: an interview for Society x Tech

In August, Ademusoyo Awosika-Olumo asked me a few questions about accessibility for her blog Society x Tech.